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  • When/How Should I Take REVIVE™?
    Take two (2) capsules in the morning with food or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

  • How Should I Store REVIVE™?
    Store at or below 30°C away from direct sunlight and do not freeze.

  • Can I Take REVIVE™ With...?
    To date we have observed no adverse side-effects in taking REVIVE™ along with other dietary supplements and most other prescription medications. However, we recommend you consult a healthcare practitioner for any specific concerns, as they will have a better understanding of you and your medical history and can offer more detailed guidance as a result.

    Due to the possibility of an adverse reaction of some of the ingredients found in REVIVE™ with certain specific prescription medications, please consult a healthcare practitioner prior to using REVIVE™ if you are also taking:
    • Sedatives/stimulants
    • Blood thinners
    • Digoxin
    • Medications regulating blood sugar levels
    • Medications that can damage liver
  • Can I Take REVIVE™ If...?
    To date we have observed no adverse side-effects in taking REVIVE™ while also simultaneously experiencing other adverse health related issues. However, we recommend you consult a healthcare practitioner for any specific concerns, as they will have a better understanding of you and your medical history and can offer more detailed guidance as a result.

    Please consult a healthcare practitioner prior to taking REVIVE™ if you:
    • are diabetic
    • have cancer
    • have a liver disorder
    • suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease

    You can take REVIVE™ if you are under the age of 30 and still experience many of the beneficial effects it has to offer. However, we do not recommend that you take REVIVE™ if you are under the age of 21.
    Do not take REVIVE™ if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
    Do not take REVIVE™ if you are allergic to plants of the apiaceae/carrot family, soy, or corn, as you may experience an adverse reaction.